So I don't know how I feel about the title of Soccer Mom, but we did sign Tyler up for soccer this year anyway. He really likes it and is having a great time. They had their first game on Saturday and they creamed the other team. We need to work on him being a little bit more aggressive, I'm thinking bribery. I'll let you know how that works out. I think I have discovered though that I am a yeller at games. Hmmmmm... I wonder where I get that from...Mom? It really is hard to control myself though and deep down I don't want to be this way. I had to keep reminding myself that he is only 5 and really has no idea what he is doing besides chasing a ball around. And by me yelling to get the ball and go faster and kick it, KICK IT!!!!! Was really just distracting him. This Saturday should be better, Jeff will be there to tell me to bring it down a notch. *sigh*

He is number 4. Seriously so cute. They play three on three with no goalie, it really is just get the ball and try to score a goal. A great way to start our Saturday.