We are so happy for Cameron and Jana, and are so glad we were there for their big day.
Double trouble.

We then met up with the Grays, our old friends from Austin that now live outside Salt Lake. They decided to take us on a drive through the mountains to see the changing colors, drive through Sundance and just see things fall like that we don't see in Texas. It really was beautiful but, after one wrong turn we ended up two track mudding it.
The red dots and yellow lines are where we should have been and the blue dot is where we were. We ended up doing some major off roading, crossing rivers/creeks, steep inclines and declines and finally getting stuck. We just kept saying, "I am sure we will meet up with the road, just a little bit further." Yeah, lets just say we had to go back out the way we went in.

We were also glad we decided to take the Gray's four runner. It was such a crazy ride I think there are a few things that they now have to get fixed. When we finally made it out, we went to dinner, Brazilian style. The food was great and we had lots of fun laughing at the adventure of the day. We miss good times with the Gray's now that they are far away, so it ended up being a great day of memories until next time.
We had a great trip and now it is back to the kids and real life with a schedule and no sleeping in. Thanks Grandma for helping us out!