Monday, November 5, 2007


I have been trying really hard to control Tyler's candy consumption. Since he is a "Big Kid" he thinks that means he gets all he wants whenever he wants it. I have tried hiding, fighting, wrestling, chasing, and the sneaky kid still seems to find it. I am now in, the just leave it out and he will begin to get bored with it, we'll see. This is what he did while I was in the shower the other day. I couldn't believe he fell asleep. Notice the chocolate melted on the couch too. I didn't find the rest of that so I am hopeful that he actually ate it. This kid cracks me up!


Julie said...

That is so awsome. Dont you just love when yoy capture moments like that? And are you guys coming home for thanksgiving or christmas? I would love to see your boys. (and you too of course)

Kathy said...

He is just the most adorable child even when he is in trouble. He just makes me laugh everytime I see him.

wendy_d23 said...

that is the funniest picture.