We went to Seaworld the day after Thanksgiving. Oh, and we did have a great turkey day. We went to some friends house and ate way to much and then took naps and watched some red box movies. On black Friday at 4:30am I a made my way to the madness at Walmart and scored some sweet deals. Then I came home, made breakfast, and we headed out to Seaworld. I don't think we have ever been there when it isn't 100 degrees so it was especially nice to be there on such a great day. They also had all of the holiday shows running which we have never been there for so that was fun and definitely put us in the Christmas spirit. Tyler hasn't stopped singing Feliz Navi Da!
We fed the dolphins!
We saw Shamu and tried to take a picture that Kyle didn't want any part of.
Another attempt to get a good picture of all three of them together.
Maybe if I am in the picture? Um... NO
Oh well, we did have a good time. Tyler gave it a two thumbs up!