Here are some happening from May. It was a really great month with a trip to Grandma Megerle's and the the Texas heat really hitting hard. We were suppose to have our ultrasound last week and have been rescheduled twice so today is finally the day and I will let you know.
Daddy's Helper
Dylan is fascinated by the lawn mower and really anything that Daddy may be doing "oussside." We have a little mower for him to push but it has proven not to be good enough for him, he wants the real deal.

Last Day of School
Tyler's last day of school was two weeks ago. They ended the year with a little music program all in Spanish. They have a Spanish lesson once a week and have been learning the songs all year. Notice Tyler's hair... he insisted that I spike it all up for him with gel. He loves school and his school does have a summer program, but we decided this summer we are going to be doing swim lessons so we will start again in the fall.

My Guitar Hero
This happens a couple times a week. I can't find Dylan and hear just a small clicking sound. Well here he is... he has dragged the guitar from Guitar Hero into our room and is lounging on our bed playing away all alone. No the game isn't even on, he just likes to sit and pretend. This cracks me up. I love that he even puts the strap around his head.
Random May Pics
What are you looking at? I do not plan on climbing up in this table, promise.
Just kidding, here I come!

We love the bath. Well, sort of, this just happened to be a good day. (Amy, I found the water color tablets just at Walmart, I think it was you that I talked about this with?)

So I try to get them to wear these hats outside like when we go to the lake or whatever, I know dorky, but I am worried about the sun, and of course they don't want to and throw them back at me. But we get home and the rest of the afternoon they won't take them off inside. Dylan walks around saying "hat, hat" the rest of the day. Silly

I wish this picture had turned out. The autofocus was obviously not working as fast as I was, and of course the minute they both saw the camera they moved and wouldn't go back. It was just so cute of them laying on eachother watching cartoons together.


I love all the pics! You have such cute boys!
I love your guitar hero! So stinkin cute. :) Your boys are so cute! I can't wait for Megerle Boy #3!
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