Monday, April 19, 2010

The house next door.

Have you ever seen this commercial?
Well the house next door to ours is well on its way to becoming this house. I feel like any day now I will be waking up to the sound of a goat!
If I were to put Kyle in the thick of it, he would easily be lost.
The only good thing is that now we know the weed control service we pay for is working!
*So to be fare, no one lives in this house. So, no, we do not have weird neighbors that don't mow. It has been empty for almost 2 years now. It is bank owned and they should be sending someone out to take care of the yard. If they don't then the HOA that I pay should be doing it and sending the bill to the bank. I guess it is time to write a letter?*
***UPDATE! Someone came and mowed! Or at least whacked everything down! Only in the front it seems, but hey, now at least I won't loose one of my children over there! I don't think it will last long, especially with the rain we have gotten lately, but it works for now!***


Kathy said...

To Funny!!!

Graham said...

That is awful! Texas is pretty strict about that (or at least all the places we lived), I can't believe they have let it get that bad! I would write several letters and send one at a time until they DO something!!! lol

Melinda said...

I love it!!!! The nekkid wife! Oh mylanta!! Glad the weeds are gone! And, um, if it is long in the back you can call the HOA or city- big risk for snakes!