Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Week 40

Yes, I am still pregnant. I was really sick with a bad cold and allergies last week, but now that I am feeling better we are ramping up the labor inducing activities. There has been lots of walking and spicy food, which has only seemed to make me tired and gassy. Maybe it is time for a motorcycle ride down a back bumpy road in the country. Any more suggestions?


wendy_d23 said...

Still no baby!?! I am getting so anxious and I am not even the one pregnant, you poor thing! I will pary extra hard tonight that you go into labor ASAP.

Erin said...

I went swimming and kept doing high kicks and stuff in the water. Good Luck! :)

The Jensen Family said...

I hear lightly bouncing (NOT jumping) a trampoline is suposed to help put you into labor within 24 hours. Good luck!

The Jensen Family said...

oops....meant to say ON a trampoline. LOL!

Zarsky Family said...

Pick up your boys a lot and maybe try playing a game of tag with them! :)

Carmen said...

Dang, I was really hoping you would have little Junior on my birthday! Oh well, I guess any day in October is cool. :)

creative kate said...

poor girl.......nothing worse than that last week. i once decided to give up and not want to have the baby that week and only sleep....had the baby the next day. good luck to you (totally a drop by blogger, carmen is my sister in law)

Mona said...

I was checking your blog hoping to find good news... so sorry! Your present is in the mail and maybe baby is waiting for you to get it. I know of no labor tricks that actually work. As an L&D nurse, I have been told or have seen every vain attempt to go into labor and then tried every one of them myself. THEY DONT WORK!

Dustin and Jen Gray said...

Did you make it to week 41?