Dad and I did the half marathon and mom did the 10k. My goal was to do it in 3 and a half hours and did it in 3 hours 4 minutes. I think the weather made a huge difference. I wasn't completely exhausted and sweating like crazy like I am when I get done in Texas after only 6 miles. The 70 degree temp with a cool breeze was the perfect weather. We started south of Seattle and went up to the shores of Lake Washington where I saw a bald eagle and then through the I90 tunnel, which was a killer (no breeze) and around downtown, then through part of downtown and down the Alaska Way Viaduct to Safco and Quest fields. It was also cool that there were bands all along the way about every mile. I will definitely consider doing it again next year, but think I need to train a little harder. Today is the first day I have been able to walk without my legs feeling like they are going to give out on me by the end of the day!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hot Hot Hot
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Tyler!

Yesterday was Tyler's birthday! He is FIVE!!!! He had a great day. We met some friends at the sprinkler park over lunch, watch cartoons while the babes took naps in the afternoon, and went to Chuck E Cheese after dinner! Dinner was his favorite Chick Fil A nuggets, fruit salad, and blue Gatorade. He was so happy to have a special day all about him.

Since he had already gotten the trampoline a month ago for his birthday we got him some new socks and underwear and some new shirts and shorts. Surprisingly he was pretty excited. I think he knew how badly he needed it as much as we thought he did.
He also got a few toys from Dylan and Kyle. I made this Pokemon cake, which got mixed reviews from the birthday boy. Not quite what he wanted, but I am not as good as he thinks I am yet.
Tyler at about 10 months
And 5 years later!
We Love You Bubba!
Kyle Roo!
I realized I haven't posted any pictures of Kyle in a while. Funny how he is falling into that neglected (not as many pics taken of) 3rd child statistic. I guess I need to work on that. I have been trying to take a picture of his teeth. He has one in really good and the one next to it is barely up. One on the top that is trying really hard to make an appearance to.
These pictures started with my seeing if he would be okay sitting on the grass which I of course new he wouldn't. All babies hate grass and I have to admit I really did it for my own entertainment. Then I realized that during his open mouth panting and crying for me to pick him up would be a good time to take a picture of the teeth!
This is how he prefers to be outside. On the safety of the blanket! And he does love being outside, just not on the grass.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This past weekend the ROT (Republic of Texas) Motorcycle Rally was here in Austin. Of course we had to go check it out like we do every year. First we met up with some friends to all ride down town together. There were over twenty of us, so that was cool. It is fun (and safer) to ride in a big group like that. People stare and kids wave, kind of like a parade, and since we are parade people, we love it.
The city shuts down Congress Ave on Friday night, from the bridge all the way up to the Capital building (about 11 blocks). We got there in time for the real parade of bikes to roll in. They drive down the street and back and then park in the middle of the road. There are thousands of bikes. The parade itself takes over an hour to get everyone parked. We have ridden in the parade in the past, but for the past two years have just gone down to watch it roll in. It is just so hot. This last Friday it was pushing 100, and with the heat of the bikes a white girl like me just can't take it. Here are the bikes coming in. Thousands end up parking and filling the whole 11 blocks up to the capital. That doesn't even include all the bikes like ours that are parked on the side streets and just came to watch.
This is our group getting ready to ride downtown. They all started the bikes at the same time which I am sure the neighbors appreciated.

Here is Jeff among his biker people and bikes on Congress.
A picture of us. Sorry it is blurry, that is what happens I am not sure the person taking the picture has used a digital camera before. Notice my nice hair even after a humid sweaty night of riding and a helmet. I think the key is flat ironing it, a low pony tail under the helmet and then of course the stashed brush in the bike.
Jeff took the kids for a ride around the block on Saturday. They love it and I hold my breath the whole time they are gone. I just can't take it.
Then Jeff went for a ride with the guys. It was 100 degrees and sadly I had to stay home with the kids with my feet in the pool and watching movies in the air conditioning.

How do I handle him riding? It's called LIFE INSURANCE!
Friday, June 5, 2009
I forgot to mention...
Dylan is 98% potty trained. He has been accident free for over 2 weeks now. I am so proud of him, he just goes and does his own thing all on his own now and only calls me if he needs help, and it is great! He is only 2 and 1/2 and I am sooooo proud! WooHooo Dylan!
Kyle got his first tooth! On the bottom, my right hand side. I love when they get that first tooth it is so cute just kicken it by itself and then him playing with it with his tongue trying to figure out what it is. I will have to try and get a good picture and post that later. WooHoo Kyle!
(100% potty trained will be one month accident free! just my standard)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
We had a busy May and since some people won't leave me alone for not posting for a while the mound of dirty dishes from yesterday, the pile of laundry I shoved on the floor at the end of the bed so I could sleep last night, and the Cheerios and rice crispies hardening to the floor even as I blog will have to wait till I give you an update. Hold we go!
First and probably most important my first baby graduated from Pre-K! Tyler's school put on a great little graduation.
Tyler and Ms. Staci, his wonderful teacher who I would love to just send with him to Kindergarten. We are really going to miss her.
Getting his diploma. They had practiced this a few times. It was so cute. They would walk across the stage, shake hands with the teacher and get there diploma, then bow to the audience. SO CUTE and he did really well.
He is right in the middle. They sang these cute songs that of course made me cry.
Some of his friends and Ms. Staci.
Now we are trying to get ready to start Kindergarten. He keeps telling me is scared and doesn't want to go. Hopefully we can work through that over the summer and happy to go come the end of August.
Heating up!
May was a kick off to the summer with above normal temps reaching the 90's. Dylan decided it was time to bust out the sprinkler. He did this all on his own. Hooked it up and turned on the water and stripped down to the underpants. He is a very clever two year old.
A little craftiness!
I am not that crafty and don't craft very often, but I do try when I can.
I made these chocolate graduation caps for Tyler's class. I thought they turned out cute and everyone loved them. Thanks for the idea Bakerella! Her link is on the side.
I have also been planning a Mother Daughter social for Young Womens. I have been making flowers for the center pieces. I was pretty impressed with myself and how they turned out. (Thanks Martha Stewart and some lady in Seattle that was on her show.) One flower takes eight coffee filter and about ten minutes once you get it down. The hardest part was cutting out all the pieces. I made 24. I painted these ones, and let the girls paint the others. They all turned out really good and looked great. The activity was actually last night and went really well. I wish I had taken a picture of the decorations when it was all set up. We also made big puff balls out of tissue paper that we hung from the ceiling above each table. Wish I had a picture :(

On Memorial Day we got a trampoline. We were trying to wait for Tyler's birthday, but my sanity was needing it now. We did tell Tyler it was for his birthday so we will see if he remembers that come the big day. They love it and it has given me a few extra minutes to get some things done until they decide it is no fun unless I am jumping to.
At first I thought we were a little wimpy for get the enclosure, but I think that is the best thing ever invented to a trampoline. I don't worry when they are out there alone and I am pretty sure that if it wasn't there Dylan would have already fallen off eight times by now.
SeaWorld by myself!
Well... by myself with the kids. Jeff is working on a project right next to Seaworld so he thought while he was working we should go use those season passes that we (I) had to have. I was kind of nervous about going with all three by myself, but it actually went really well. It wasn't busy (a Thursday and schools not out yet) which made it easier, (I don't do well in large crowds) and the kids were so well behaved like they could feel my desperation for them to be good radiating from my every pore. We really had a lot of fun!

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